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Frequently asked question:

1. Buying or selling a home in Interlaken?

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In May, 2015, Interlaken Estates, also known as the IMWC (Interlaken Mutual Water Company), incorporated into Interlaken Town, a small municipality located north of Midway Utah, and bordered by Wasatch Mountain State Park. The town elected its council and mayor and formed a government of largely volunteers, who reside within the town. Here is some general information for real estate agents, buyers, and sellers wishing to know more about real estate transactions within Interlaken Town.

Town Maps

Additional Town maps and information can be found by clicking this link: More Maps

Ownership Transfer Payment & Form

When an Interlaken property changes ownership, the town charges a fee, typically paid by the buyer at closing. In addition, the town requires completion of an ownership transfer form. Click this icon to download the form and instructions:

Ownership Trfr Icon.png

Interlaken Utilities

Town Water System

Interlaken Town has its own municipal water system which serves all lots in town. Lot owners are billed once a year, in January, for water service from the previous July through the following June. Each lot is charged a base fee of $972 for developed lots and $816 for empty lots. In addition to the base fee, developed lots are charge an overage fee for water usage in excess of 10,000 gallons per month or 120,000 gallons per year. Interlaken prides itself in its exceptionally pure and pristine water.

Click this link for more information about our water system: Interlaken Water

Additional Utilities

The remaining utilities and services are provided by private companies, Midway City, and Wasatch County Agencies. For more information on sewer, solid waste (garbage), recycling, natural gas, power, internet, telephone, satellite TV, snow removal, animal control, and mail delivery, click this link: Interlaken Services & Utilities

Building in Interlaken

Interlaken Town issues permits for new construction, demolition, remodeling, excavation, solar panel installations, and certain landscaping projects in town. For more information about building in Interlaken, click this link: Interlaken Building

Renting out your Interlaken Home

Interlaken Town passed an ordinance which prohibits short-term rentals. If you wish to rent out your home, the rental period must be a minimum of 30 days.

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